Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to become smart...?

Most of the people now a days are fed up from fatness specially girls...
there are fierce kinds of slimming centers, gyms, diet plans blaa blaa.. but now ive cum to know the secret that how to become smart... first just try to reduce your weight slowly cuz sudden reduction is dangerous for your health.. Just av 4 to 5 cups ov green tea without sugar daily... it will really work.. but also it will create weakness... so to overcome dat take fruits and salad... also make scedule for one hour walk or excercise...
TRY IT .. Im also trying it..:):) hope it will work..


  1. my wife said to me once that, take one glass of normal hot-water in the morning before breakfast. and see the magic. :)))) keep up the blog.

  2. hehehheh... yeah she is also right..:):):)
