Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Asha For Real Aman....

A section of media in Pakistan (Jang) and India (The times of India) has started a peace project named Aman ki Asha. The aim of this project is to develop peaceful relationships among the two nieghbours but the question here that arises in mind is that is it really a peace project or india is again running a controversy behind it. Can peace be achieved through theses kind of projects or we have to take some intiative from higher level.? The main thing which came into minds of every patriotic Pakistani is that how can peace be initiated without resolving Kashmir issue (the main bone of contention between India and Pakistan). Before launching this project in a survey 72% Pakistani’s and 60% indians wishes to run a peace process between the two countires but the main point to be note here is that when asked that what comes in mind when they think about peace between both countries, then 64% pakistani’s replied “Kashmir”. So how can peace be generated without resolving this issue. Also in media India is talking about peace but what is the reason for throwing out Pakistani team from IPL although once Sohail Tanveer the pakistani bowler was considered the best bowler of the IPL.

At one side India is stopping our water, because of lack of water we are suffering . India want Pakistan to be in stone age by blocking its water and in media it is talking about “aman”. Minister Abdul rehman is saying again and again that behind talibans there is hand of india then how can we Asha for peace??

No doubt this initiative step of peace by media is apprecitable but we cannot bring peace without resolving major issues or just having combined Music concerts. For peace media as well as governments of both countries have to work so that only thorugh this way Aasha of Aman will work out.


  1. India never need peace and friendship

  2. yeah you are right...they smile at ur face..but make fun ov you at your back..
