Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PTCL broadband or screw band...???

I dont know what Ptcl broadband is doing... i mean their speed is hell low .. even if you complain 100 times they just say that install your windows... i don't know how many times i installed my windows... urggggggg :@:@
specially they are doing hell with the student package.. one of their customer service operator said that of course if the members will increase then speed will be automatically become slow...then my question tot hem is why they are offering broadband services... ?? They should really work on their services... cuz i think telecom is the only industry in Pakistan which is somehow doing well..

Stop following sania and shoaib'z personal life...

I was surfing through net and i found a picture which really made me screwed... like i dont know why people are behind Sania and Shoaib... let them spend their life with comfort.. now just see this picture see how much cheapness it is showing...stop people doing like this... its really shameful for us ....that how cheap our thinking is...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

i hate slow speed DSL...

Today i was reading in a newspaper that cable TV operators will increase number of broadband users. it was written that almost 2,346 cable operators are working in Pakistan and there are 8 million users of it but the current broadband users are 0.688 million and the target till next year is 5 million...i was shocked to read that because they are not providing proper services to even 0.688 million users. The broadband speed is hell low...to post one of my blog post i have to wait for hours... PTA should do something for broadband users because we students don't have enough time to spend on internet specially when the country is going through energy crisis ..i really hate slow speed internet specially slow speed broadband..although broadband means high speed internet:(:(:(

solution to overcome energy crisis

The solution to overcome electricity crisis by the Pakistani government is to some extent foolish...like to run a country every industry is equally important whether agricultural sector. industrial, markets , restaurants whatever....Now-a-days temperature is really high so people prefer to shop at night ..so decision of shutting down the markets is again a thing which will put country in economic crisis... yeah we can do this that to switch on only one light in our shops...at home we should switch on one fan and one light..try to use energy savers... restaurants can offer candle light dinners hehhehehe as to save light...and the most important thing is that to switch off all the lights from the house of president, PM, ministers etc...trust me we can save a huge amount of electricity in this way:D

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sunglasses protect your eyes in summer...

Now-a-days most of my articles are about how to protect yourself from summer...nd this time ive something for your eyes... eyes are getting damaged now-a-days because of heat and dust specially Pakistani weather is so bad for the eyes.. so wear sun glasses. Sun glasses are not only the icon of fashion and style but protects you from the damaging rays of the sun..now-a-days big huge glasses are in fashion so go and buy some good for yourself..:):):)...because nothing is more important than your deep and beautiful eyes ;)... But one thing to remeber is that dont buy those which are extra cheap they are not beneficial instead they will create more problem for your eyes... go spend some money for your eyes..:):):)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

summer and the dopatta..

Now-a-days dopatta is just a symbol of fashion in our society...but there are so many benefits of dopatta which i got to know these days.. as we all know that summer is arriving so dopatta is very beneficial for all the girls ..its not a symbol of religion but also good for hair ..cuz ever since i started taking dopatta on head ..my split ends vanished..amazing na..hehhehhe:):):)...also in summer it protects you from ultra violent rays...so a best cure against the breast cancer.. as you took it on your head so helps protect your skin of neck and face from getting tan...so girls the most important thing is that it protects you from boys lusty eyes... so keep wearing dopatta and cheers:)):):)...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Asha For Real Aman....

A section of media in Pakistan (Jang) and India (The times of India) has started a peace project named Aman ki Asha. The aim of this project is to develop peaceful relationships among the two nieghbours but the question here that arises in mind is that is it really a peace project or india is again running a controversy behind it. Can peace be achieved through theses kind of projects or we have to take some intiative from higher level.? The main thing which came into minds of every patriotic Pakistani is that how can peace be initiated without resolving Kashmir issue (the main bone of contention between India and Pakistan). Before launching this project in a survey 72% Pakistani’s and 60% indians wishes to run a peace process between the two countires but the main point to be note here is that when asked that what comes in mind when they think about peace between both countries, then 64% pakistani’s replied “Kashmir”. So how can peace be generated without resolving this issue. Also in media India is talking about peace but what is the reason for throwing out Pakistani team from IPL although once Sohail Tanveer the pakistani bowler was considered the best bowler of the IPL.

At one side India is stopping our water, because of lack of water we are suffering . India want Pakistan to be in stone age by blocking its water and in media it is talking about “aman”. Minister Abdul rehman is saying again and again that behind talibans there is hand of india then how can we Asha for peace??

No doubt this initiative step of peace by media is apprecitable but we cannot bring peace without resolving major issues or just having combined Music concerts. For peace media as well as governments of both countries have to work so that only thorugh this way Aasha of Aman will work out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Long March required for electricity towards president house:)

Amid two-day energy conference being held in the federal capital to find a durable solution of the power crisis, violent protests continue in different parts of the country against the electricity loadshedding... After hearing this news many Pakistani will be a lil happy...but i dont think so that this conference is going to work ...the only way to solve the energy crisis is the long march of pakistani nation towards president house...it is my advice to all that dont destroy your own country dont burn tyres , dont break cars... else just march towards president house...when 1 crore people will march towards the president house then i think energy crisis will be overcome... because then president will be afraid ov us hehhehehe and he will gonna think about having electricity from china...

Best Friend is integral part of life...

After our family the people which came close to us is our friends and of them best friend is only one with whom you can share each and every moment of your life.. he is important part of your life..he'z with you no matter its 4 am or 4 pm....no matter how much you fight with ur best friend at the end you were like nothing has happened..sometimes i think life would be so boring if we dont have friends specially best friend ...because i cant live without my best friend and im writing this article specially for him..sometimes i think that if in future i have to live without my best friend then how come i survive...but just wanna say that where ever i will be in future my best friend will always remain in my memories...:):):)... i know all of you will have a best friend without whom you cannot survive... so take care of ur best friend and neva let him/her go..:):)

SAy No To HEpaTItis C....

What im going to tell today is the last symptoms of hepatitis C... my father was suffering from this life taking disease... nd what we saw at the last time was the worst things ...we were not aware of the fact that hepatitis C is that much severe disease...in last days my father lost his memory, he became so much aggressive to everyone because ammonia was secreted from his liver towards his mind... blood vomit is the last thing which is enough to take the man's life... so its my advice to all that make a regular habit of ur checkup monthly... now a days even water we are drinking is not pure... so make habit of regular check up cuz its curable if diagnosed at proper time...SAY NO TO HEPATITIS C...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to become smart...?

Most of the people now a days are fed up from fatness specially girls...
there are fierce kinds of slimming centers, gyms, diet plans blaa blaa.. but now ive cum to know the secret that how to become smart... first just try to reduce your weight slowly cuz sudden reduction is dangerous for your health.. Just av 4 to 5 cups ov green tea without sugar daily... it will really work.. but also it will create weakness... so to overcome dat take fruits and salad... also make scedule for one hour walk or excercise...
TRY IT .. Im also trying it..:):) hope it will work..

University Of Gujrat ..(A World Class University)...

Apperance counts very much when you are going to judge something... Gujrat university is something with a tremendous outlook.. just have a look..the pictures speaks thereselves..UOG is a world class university with world class infrastructure..