Saturday, October 17, 2015


Out of 8500 contestants and out of 100,000 photographs Zaeem Siddiq's photograph of Shangrila Lake is selected as the best photograph in International Wiki loves earth competition. This shows how beautiful this country "Pakistan" is , but is this enough to bring tourists to Pakistan? This individual effort can be appreciated but at government level Pakistan really needs to look at it tourism management and strategies. Allah has gifted Pakistan with everything from mountains to plains and rivers, geographically its a strong country blessed with all the seasons. But it depends on us the people of Pakistan that how we can utilize this beauty in benefiting the economy of the country. Here are few suggestions for the tourism sector which can improve tourism in Pakistan

1. Don't underestimate the local tourists, right now at this point they are the biggest assets for tourism sector as international tourists have security issues.
2.Improve the skills of those working in tourism industry. Our institutions should have degree programs on tourism management.
3.Utilize the term Marketing. Promote tourism at international level.
4. Celebrate important days, make sure the world knows your culture and people well. Don't merge local culture with western culture. Essence of one's culture is lost by merging it with other cultures.
5.Its an era of social media, utilize it. Make presence on social media and let the world know how beautiful Pakistan is.


With the passage of time one thing i have learnt is "Tolerance".. But sometimes i do wonder how would the world be like if everyone talks about peace... if there will be no hatred on caste, creed, religion, race.. surely this earth will become heaven. As the Muharram approaches , here in Pakistan the hot topic is Shia and Sunni whether united or not.. I have seen people become active on social media in abusing each other sect. This really makes me worried that we fight on something which is actually harming our society rather than making it United at such a crucial time when we are fighting War against terror. We as a society must think that this war of words is letting others take advantage of us, if one is Shia let him practice his religion and if one is Sunni let him practice his, what harm someone's faith is giving..of course nothing... Let me share some facts and figures how many casualties Pakistan faced due to this sectarian conflict during 1989- 2010.... 3395 people were killed and 7282 were injured during this sectarian conflict, out of them 53 attacks were on Mosques, do you people really think that any religion would allow to do this violence other than extremist elements. In my opinion NO. So, all we need is tolerance towards each other because respect of this month is important for every Muslim. Respect each other views and follow the right path by being good to each other. All we need is Tolerance and accepting each others differences.